The Agony of Ukraine
It has taken the war in Ukraine to prompt me into adding to my blog. I see I last wrote in February 2021.
This war has affected me very deeply . Not physically of course in the way that the poor desperate Ukrainians are suffering but mentally in the anguish and hopelessness I feel as I listen to the reports and watch the videos coming out of Ukraine. This is the largest exodus of people from a war torn country since the Second world war. The neighbouring countries especially Poland are doing amazing work in welcoming and organising the refugees but it's a long term problem if two and a half million people are in transit.
Britain is supplying weapons to Ukraine and our contribution must have helped the Ukrainian army , volunteers and those conscripted to help them to keep the Russians at bay in some places particularly in the city of Kiyv. But the Russians have attacked from the south laying waste cities and now trying to starve Mariopol into submission through laying seige to it. The Russians led by arch psychopath Putin will use every tactic to achieve victory. They have pulverised the suburbs of Kiyv to ruins using heavy Artillery and missiles. They have zero regard for human life.
It looks to me that Putin wants the South and East of Ukraine in addition to Crimea which he annexed illegally in 2014. Maybe , because his campaign has not gone according to plan thanks to determined , dogged Ukrainian resistance , he will accept less than he originally wanted. Why should Russia gain anything from this aggression which they refuse to label a war ? They have brought about the death of thousands of people, both soldiers and civilians. They have engendered a mass population exodus. They have caused incalculable damage to the fabric of Ukraine. And if Putin now thinks he has gained territory where will he go next to rebuild his Russian empire ? Moldova , Georgia or Estonia ?
If Putin won't stop trying to impose his will by brute force then Nato will have to take direct action however reluctant they patently are to do so.
How can we stand by and watch ?
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