My new puppy.

 Such a long time since I have posted a blog. Our covid year has stretched and dragged on seemingly without end. However it's now February 2021 and maybe there is a glimmer of hope that in the spring - maybe March - we will see shops opening and cafés coming back to give us pleasure. 

Meantime my life has been changed in a big big way by the acquisition of a puppy. Her name is Molly and she is a tiny black and tan Jack russell terrier. She was born at Dan y Banc farm in Carmarthenshire  and we collected her from there on January 8th when she was eight weeks old.  She was the second smallest of a litter of 7 puppies and my first reaction on being handed her was to say " Oh, she's so tiny !"

She is now eleven weeks old and has had her second vaccinations at the vet's. She won't be able to walk out in the big wide world for another 10 days but  she is enjoying running around our small garden sniffing and exploring, climbing into flower pots and sliding under garden furniture. She has a little green ball with she sometimes will chase after and she loves any sort of leaf or twig which she will endeavour to eat but then realise that it's not to her taste.

Molly's first photo at home in Barry

Life has changed because first thing in the morning Molly has to be reassured that all is well after spending the night in her basket in the kitchen. She is fed, taken into the garden to do what is necessary then played with with a selection of much chewed and bitten toys kept in a sturdy John Lewis box which she is gradually trying to demolish. 
Throughout the day at regular intervals the pattern  continues.  She has periods of frantic activity then it's into her basket for a sleep.

Once we can go for walks her horizons will expand of course. We have been taking her out tucked into John 's jacket but she wants to get down now and has become very wriggly. 

 Molly is a lot of fun. She's a dear little thing and we are glad we have her.



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