A new meaning for bubbles

Bubbles  are  those fragile globular  shapes of soapy water which shine green,  purple, pink  and silver and float for a short while  in the air before bursting silently on any hard surface.  A tube of bubble liquid and a plastic wand will effortlessly and cheaply entertain most young children.  Surely they don't  mean anything beyond their pretty ephemeral selves ? 

Bubbles have, strangely ,  taken on a new meaning during this time of  the Covid 19 pandemic. We are allowed to socialise within ' bubbles '  to escape the lockdown within our own home. A bubble is not fixed in size they say. It can contain the members of two families who are allowed to meet  with each other  indoors exclusively. A single person can join just one other household for meetings . A bubble may also be used to separate groups of children within a school.  In this case the bubble may contain a much larger number. The aim of course is to stop the spread of the virus.

Now that the pubs have opened in England today , July 4th , the future of bubbles appears problematic. Light as gossamer they will not withstand close contact in the rush to buy pints.  Many  , however , will safely stay cocooned in their own protective bubble  so all is not lost. Will the cases of  coronavirus increase in a few weeks time ?  That, like everything in these uncertain times ,  is unknown. 


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