The smallpox epidemic in South Wales 1962

The epidemic on everyone's minds today is the one we are living through, the novel Coronavirus or Covid 19. This is different in an important aspect in that it is a pandemic being experienced worldwide.But did you know that we experienced an epidemic here in the U.K over 50 years ago ? The facts are these. In early 1962 South Wales experienced an outbreak of smallpox. At the time smallpox was killing millions worldwide every year. This was before the vaccination programme reached all parts of the globe. 19 people died in the outbreak in South Wales. Of these 6 were in the Rhondda valley and 13 in Bridgend. A small number, yes , but that's thanks to the vaccination programme which protected the population. 900,000 people were vaccinated in South Wales. I remember queueing to be vaccinated in school. Many people experienced severe side effects from the vaccine but the population were thereby protected from the illness . Of cou...