A summer's day in August. It feels warm. The wind must be blowing from the south. A strong sun is shining over the pebble beach at the Knap and the wide sands of the old harbour. Too silted and shallow for boats it is now being used as a place to sit, play and swim. Across the channel Somerset is clearly outlined. The cafe has reopened after a long lockdown but with all the trappings of covid- socially distanced queueing, hand gel and screens. Seating is outside, with the shelter of an awning if you are lucky. Up above the clouds are gathering and changing colour. White becomes grey becomes purple. The leaves on the trees are blowing steadily and blowing back. A few warm globules of rain fall on my skirt. Gradually , as the spots of rain become a steady drizzle , Somerset disappears into the mist. We are no longer close to another stretch of coastline. People get up from their tables in the café garden, push back their chairs, drink the last of their coffee. Time to he...