Events take us by surprise

I have been reading about the life of David Lloyd George and also of prime Minister Herbert Asquith and members of the government to which Lloyd George belonged. I have read extracts from the diary of Margot Asquith wife of the Prime Minister as war broke out. When the First World war or Great war as it became known then, was declared on August 4th 1914 the announcement came as a great surprise to many people. Until then the attention of the public and press had been centred on Ireland and the question of granting home rule to that country. The idea of joining all of Ireland as an independent state was strongly contested by many people in Ulster and the militant sections began arming to fight against it . The Irish nationalists then prepared to fight their corner. The expectation was that civil war would break out. As a result of the war the issue was put on the back burner by the government not to be resolved for several years and not really resolved then. ...